BTL Exilite III- skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, veins, acne, photoepilation.

BTL Exilite III lPL advantage of laser therapy: minimal downtime.

Complete information​ – BTL Exilite III- skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, veins, acne.

BTL Exilite III- skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, veins, acne - how does it work?

BTL Exilite III- skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, veins, acne.

How does it work?

Exilite works on the principle of selective photothermolysis. This machine comes with different cutoff filters of different wavelength ranging from 400 to 1200nm.This helps to target specific chromophore. As there are Cut off filters.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is produced when electric current is passed through xenon gas. This the electric energy is converted to optical energy. This light is polychromatic, unlike laser is monochromatic.

Skin rejuvenation:

IPL works very good in skin rejuvenation, also called as photo-facial in which 560 nm wavelength is used. It helps to stimulate collagen fibers beneath the skin, helps to build elastin fibers in the skin, which helps to give a more youthful and flawless appearance to the skin. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results (4-6).

In Acne:

IPL acts by photo-dynamic therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Propionibacterium acne (P. acnes) a causative bacteria for acne produces the porphyrins during their growth and proliferation in the follicular units. These porphyrins absorb light of the IPL & helps to destroy P Acne bacteria. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results.

In Vascular lesions:

Light pulses targeted at the red-pigment (hemoglobin) in the blood which heats and destroys the vascular pigment without affecting the skin or other tissues. In Rosacea, it helps to target oxyhemoglobin of blood vessels, capillaries in the skin, which helps to reduce redness, vascularity of skin. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results (4-6).


For pigmented lesions:

Light pulses targeted at the melanin in the skin’s surface which heats and destroys melanin to remove the discoloration. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results.

Hair removal:

The Light pulses targeted at the hair follicle causing the hair to fall out and prevent further growth. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve best possible results (4-6).

Advantage of IPL therapy:

Minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done on their lunch break and return to work immediately afterward.

Before and after the procedure:

As a preliminary to avoid sun exposure 1 month before and after treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Before and after the procedure, don’t:

Tan in the sun, in a tanning bed, or with tanning creams for 4 weeks before you go to procedure.
Wax, or get a chemical peel or collagen shots for 2 weeks before
Wear perfume, makeup, deodorant, or any skin irritants
Take aspirin or another drug that can make you bleed more
Take any medication that will make you sun-sensitive; for example, the antibiotic doxycycline.

Post-treatment care:

Need to use broad-spectrum sunscreen 50 to avoid prevent skin damage.

Your skin after treatment could be, it is ok:

Change color, red
Get crusty

During the procedure:

Once you’re there, we will rub gel on your clean skin. You’ll wear dark glasses to protect your eyes. The handheld IPL device will go right on your body. The session will probably last 10 to 20 minutes. Large areas could take an hour or more.

The smooth glass surface of the treatment probe is applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated.

What Does It Feel Like?

While most people are fine with the light pulses, the treatment could sting a little. It might feel like someone is snapping a rubber band on you. We can give you numbing cream to put on 30-60 minutes before treatment starts.

What Is The Treatment Time?

Treatment sessions usually last about 15-20 minutes. A course of 4-6 sessions every 3-6 weeks may be needed to achieve desired results.

Can return to work immediately after treatment.


Who Shouldn’t Get IPL Treatment?

On the day of your appointment, avoid using perfume, makeup, and scented products that can irritate your skin.

  • pregnant
  • have a skin condition
  • take medication are sensitive to light
  • have recently tanned your skin using sunlight, tanning beds, or tanning creams
  • might have skin cancer
  • use a retinoid cream
  • have a skin resurfacing disorder
  • have severe scarring
  • have keloid scar tissue
  • herpes simplex
  • Epilepsie
  • hormonal imbalance (hormones are stimulated by intense light)
  • use of anticoagulants
  • coagulation disorders
Vyzkoušejte omlazení pleti pomocí Exilite a zachovejte svou krásu, Clinic Dana, Praha 9

Skin treatment with BTL Exilite is fast and achieves excellent results.

Vyzkoušejte přístroj BTL Exilite na redukci chloupků, Dana Clinic, Praha 9

BTL Exilite III- skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, veins, acne, photoepilation.

Dr. Annie Lapointe - Médico-Esthétique, Quebec, Canada

BTL Exilite

Dr. Annie Lapointe – Médico-Esthétique, Quebec, Canada

Skin treatment with BTL Exilite is fast and achieves excellent results.

Dana Clinic

Mladoboleslavská 425
Praha 9 – Kbely
197 00

+420 777 858 647

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